'use strict'; (function ($) { var SlickLightbox, defaults; SlickLightbox = function () { /* The core class. */ function SlickLightbox(element, options1) { var slickLightbox; this.options = options1; /* Binds the plugin. */ this.$element = $(element); this.didInit = false; slickLightbox = this; this.$element.on('click.slickLightbox', this.options.itemSelector, function (e) { var $clickedItem, $items; e.preventDefault(); $clickedItem = $(this); $clickedItem.blur(); if (typeof slickLightbox.options.shouldOpen === 'function') { if (!slickLightbox.options.shouldOpen(slickLightbox, $clickedItem, e)) { return; } } $items = slickLightbox.$element.find(slickLightbox.options.itemSelector); if (slickLightbox.elementIsSlick()) { $items = slickLightbox.filterOutSlickClones($items); $clickedItem = slickLightbox.handlePossibleCloneClick($clickedItem, $items); } return slickLightbox.init($items.index($clickedItem)); }); } SlickLightbox.prototype.init = function (index) { /* Creates the lightbox, opens it, binds events and calls `slick`. Accepts `index` of the element, that triggered it (so that we know, on which slide to start slick). */ this.didInit = true; this.detectIE(); this.createModal(); this.bindEvents(); this.initSlick(index); return this.open(); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.createModalItems = function () { /* Creates individual slides to be used with slick. If `options.images` array is specified, it uses it's contents, otherwise loops through elements' `options.itemSelector`. */ var $items, createItem, itemTemplate, lazyPlaceholder, length, links; lazyPlaceholder = this.options.lazyPlaceholder || ''; itemTemplate = function (source, caption, lazy) { var imgSourceParams; if (lazy === true) { imgSourceParams = ' data-lazy="' + source + '" src="' + lazyPlaceholder + '" '; } else { imgSourceParams = ' src="' + source + '" '; } return '
\n \n ' + caption + '\n
'; }; if (this.options.images) { links = $.map(this.options.images, function (_this) { return function (img) { return itemTemplate(img, _this.options.lazy); }; }(this)); } else { $items = this.filterOutSlickClones(this.$element.find(this.options.itemSelector)); length = $items.length; createItem = function (_this) { return function (el, index) { var caption, info, src; info = { index: index, length: length }; caption = _this.getElementCaption(el, info); src = _this.getElementSrc(el); return itemTemplate(src, caption, _this.options.lazy); }; }(this); links = $.map($items, createItem); } return links; }; SlickLightbox.prototype.createModal = function () { /* Creates a `slick`-friendly modal. */ var html, links; links = this.createModalItems(); html = '
' + links.join('') + '
'; this.$modalElement = $(html); this.$parts = {}; this.$parts['closeButton'] = $(this.options.layouts.closeButton); this.$modalElement.find('.slick-lightbox-inner').append(this.$parts['closeButton']); return $('body').append(this.$modalElement); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.initSlick = function (index) { /* Runs slick by default, using `options.slick` if provided. If `options.slick` is a function, it gets fired instead of us initializing slick. Merges in initialSlide option. */ var additional; additional = { initialSlide: index }; if (this.options.lazy) { additional.lazyLoad = 'ondemand'; } if (this.options.slick != null) { if (typeof this.options.slick === 'function') { this.slick = this.options.slick(this.$modalElement); } else { this.slick = this.$modalElement.find('.slick-lightbox-slick').slick($.extend({}, this.options.slick, additional)); } } else { this.slick = this.$modalElement.find('.slick-lightbox-slick').slick(additional); } return this.$modalElement.trigger('init.slickLightbox'); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.open = function () { /* Opens the lightbox. */ if (this.options.useHistoryApi) { this.writeHistory(); } this.$element.trigger('show.slickLightbox'); setTimeout(function (_this) { return function () { return _this.$element.trigger('shown.slickLightbox'); }; }(this), this.getTransitionDuration()); return this.$modalElement.removeClass('slick-lightbox-hide-init'); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.close = function () { /* Closes the lightbox and destroys it, maintaining the original element bindings. */ this.$element.trigger('hide.slickLightbox'); setTimeout(function (_this) { return function () { return _this.$element.trigger('hidden.slickLightbox'); }; }(this), this.getTransitionDuration()); this.$modalElement.addClass('slick-lightbox-hide'); return this.destroy(); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.bindEvents = function () { /* Binds global events. */ var resizeSlides; resizeSlides = function (_this) { return function () { var h; h = _this.$modalElement.find('.slick-lightbox-inner').height(); _this.$modalElement.find('.slick-lightbox-slick-item').height(h); return _this.$modalElement.find('.slick-lightbox-slick-img, .slick-lightbox-slick-item-inner').css('max-height', Math.round(_this.options.imageMaxHeight * h)); }; }(this); $(window).on('orientationchange.slickLightbox resize.slickLightbox', resizeSlides); if (this.options.useHistoryApi) { $(window).on('popstate.slickLightbox', function (_this) { return function () { return _this.close(); }; }(this)); } this.$modalElement.on('init.slickLightbox', resizeSlides); this.$modalElement.on('destroy.slickLightbox', function (_this) { return function () { return _this.destroy(); }; }(this)); this.$element.on('destroy.slickLightbox', function (_this) { return function () { return _this.destroy(true); }; }(this)); this.$parts['closeButton'].on('click.slickLightbox touchstart.slickLightbox', function (_this) { return function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return _this.close(); }; }(this)); if (this.options.closeOnEscape || this.options.navigateByKeyboard) { $(document).on('keydown.slickLightbox', function (_this) { return function (e) { var code; code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which; if (_this.options.navigateByKeyboard) { if (code === 37) { _this.slideSlick('left'); } else if (code === 39) { _this.slideSlick('right'); } } if (_this.options.closeOnEscape) { if (code === 27) { return _this.close(); } } }; }(this)); } if (this.options.closeOnBackdropClick) { this.$modalElement.on('click.slickLightbox touchstart.slickLightbox', '.slick-lightbox-slick-img', function (e) { return e.stopPropagation(); }); return this.$modalElement.on('click.slickLightbox', '.slick-lightbox-slick-item', function (_this) { return function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return _this.close(); }; }(this)); } }; SlickLightbox.prototype.slideSlick = function (direction) { /* Moves the slick prev or next. */ if (direction === 'left') { return this.slick.slick('slickPrev'); } else { return this.slick.slick('slickNext'); } }; SlickLightbox.prototype.detectIE = function () { /* Detects usage of IE8 and lower. */ var ieversion; this.isIE = false; if (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { ieversion = new Number(RegExp.$1); if (ieversion < 9) { return this.isIE = true; } } }; SlickLightbox.prototype.getElementCaption = function (el, info) { /* Returns caption for each slide based on the type of `options.caption`. */ var c; if (!this.options.caption) { return ''; } c = function () { switch (typeof this.options.caption) { case 'function': return this.options.caption(el, info); case 'string': return $(el).data(this.options.caption); } }.call(this); return '' + c + ''; }; SlickLightbox.prototype.getElementSrc = function (el) { /* Returns src for each slide image based on the type of `options.src`. */ switch (typeof this.options.src) { case 'function': return this.options.src(el); case 'string': return $(el).attr(this.options.src); default: return el.href; } }; SlickLightbox.prototype.unbindEvents = function () { /* Unbinds global events. */ $(window).off('.slickLightbox'); $(document).off('.slickLightbox'); return this.$modalElement.off('.slickLightbox'); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.destroy = function (unbindAnchors) { if (unbindAnchors == null) { unbindAnchors = false; } /* Destroys the lightbox and unbinds global events. If `true` is passed as an argument, unbinds the original element as well. */ if (this.didInit) { this.unbindEvents(); setTimeout(function (_this) { return function () { return _this.$modalElement.remove(); }; }(this), this.options.destroyTimeout); } if (unbindAnchors) { this.$element.off('.slickLightbox'); return this.$element.off('.slickLightbox', this.options.itemSelector); } }; SlickLightbox.prototype.destroyPrevious = function () { /* Destroys lightboxes currently in DOM. */ return $('body').children('.slick-lightbox').trigger('destroy.slickLightbox'); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.getTransitionDuration = function () { /* Detects the transition duration to know when to remove stuff from DOM etc. */ var duration; if (this.transitionDuration) { return this.transitionDuration; } duration = this.$modalElement.css('transition-duration'); if (typeof duration === 'undefined') { return this.transitionDuration = 500; } else { return this.transitionDuration = duration.indexOf('ms') > -1 ? parseFloat(duration) : parseFloat(duration) * 1000; } }; SlickLightbox.prototype.writeHistory = function () { /* Writes an empty state to the history API if supported. */ return typeof history !== 'undefined' && history !== null ? typeof history.pushState === 'function' ? history.pushState(null, null, '') : void 0 : void 0; }; SlickLightbox.prototype.filterOutSlickClones = function ($items) { /* Removes all slick clones from the set of elements. Only does so, if the target element is a slick slider. */ if (!this.elementIsSlick()) { return $items; } return $items = $items.filter(function () { var $item; $item = $(this); return !$item.hasClass('slick-cloned') && $item.parents('.slick-cloned').length === 0; }); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.handlePossibleCloneClick = function ($clickedItem, $items) { var href; if (!this.elementIsSlick()) { return $clickedItem; } if (!$clickedItem.closest('.slick-slide').hasClass('slick-cloned')) { return $clickedItem; } href = $clickedItem.attr('href'); return $items.filter(function () { return $(this).attr('href') === href; }).first(); }; SlickLightbox.prototype.elementIsSlick = function () { return this.$element.hasClass('slick-slider'); }; return SlickLightbox; }(); defaults = { background: 'rgba(0,0,0,.8)', closeOnEscape: true, closeOnBackdropClick: true, destroyTimeout: 500, itemSelector: 'a', navigateByKeyboard: true, src: false, caption: false, captionPosition: 'dynamic', images: false, slick: {}, useHistoryApi: false, layouts: { closeButton: '' }, shouldOpen: null, imageMaxHeight: 0.9, lazy: false }; $.fn.slickLightbox = function (options) { /* Fires the plugin. */ options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); $(this).each(function () { return this.slickLightbox = new SlickLightbox(this, options); }); return this; }; $.fn.unslickLightbox = function () { /* Removes everything. */ return $(this).trigger('destroy.slickLightbox').each(function () { return this.slickLightbox = null; }); }; }(jQuery));